45+ AI Use Cases Across Major Industries in 2024

45+ AI Use Cases and Applications Across Major Industries

AI Use Cases

Artificial intelligence is sweeping the world with a transformative force in an unimaginable way. In the ever-evolving digital world, AI technology stands at the intersection point of machine intelligence power, innovation, and the ability to mimic human intelligence. With a growing AI market size that’s expected to reach $826.70 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 28.46%, it indicates that technology is gaining momentum.

With the extensive benefits of AI for businesses, leading businesses in diverse industry verticals are raising a toast to success with AI applications and use cases. However, from SMBs to large enterprises, when looking forward to AI use case implementation, they are finding it difficult to identify the right AI use cases that benefit their business uniquely.

Consider the AI use cases that our technical experts and business consultants recommended to hundreds of businesses globally. Take a look at the top AI use cases adopted by different industries.

AI use cases and Applications are revolutionizing major industries

Statistical highlights suggest that AI is helping businesses achieve excellence with new possibilities. These AI use cases will reveal how different industries are transforming in the connected world with artificial intelligence.

AI use cases impacting these major industries


The applications of AI in Education are:

Personalized learning paths: Every student has unique learning and understanding capabilities, which creates the need for an individualized learning path that improves engagement and outcomes. AI-based education solutions quickly learn every student’s capability and learning style to create a tailored learning path that results in targeted educational experiences.

Automated grading systems: AI solutions pre-trained with data can assess quizzes, exams, and assessments automatically and assign grades to the students. Prompt feedback for students encourages efficient learning and saves educators a lot of time.

Virtual tutors: AI-powered virtual tutors excel at adapting to individual learning styles that help provide personalized guidance and feedback. It enhances subject-specific understanding and improves the learning experience.

Administrative task automation: Schedule management, resource allocation, staff payroll, and student enrollment process are some of the administrative tasks that get automated using AI solutions. Integrating AI bots for daily inquiries allows admin staff to focus on essential activities, and virtual assistance helps improve operational efficiency.

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The use of AI in finance involves:

Fraud detection and prevention: AI development services are making significant contributions to the finance industry with proactive fraud detection and prevention. AI algorithms keep tabs on financial transactions and identify unusual patterns to detect the vulnerabilities and malware attacks that lead to security breaches. The continuous learning and adapting of new trends by AI ensures robust security.

Smart trading: Investment decisions take a lot of work to make. AI eases the trading game in the finance industry with AI-driven trading strategies created based on market trends and diverse financial data analysis. Such strategies help make informed investment decisions and maximize the results.

Personalized financial advice: AI algorithms analyze customers’ risk tolerance power and market trends to provide personalized financial advice from beginners to seasoned investors. Robinhood and Wealthfront platforms are robo-advisors that help users create diverse portfolios and get investment options based on their goals and risk tolerance capacity.

Risk management and compliance: AI-driven credit scoring contributes to risk management by quickly assessing every individual’s creditworthiness. It helps analyze customer behaviour and external factors that contribute to risk management. Also, AI helps financial organizations understand regulatory compliances with automated document analysis and escape from major violations with continuous transaction monitoring.


The applications of AI in retail are:

Customer service chatbots: AI customer service chatbots are a more convenient option than human representatives for retail businesses as they resolve queries quickly and accurately. The instant support and assistance in order tracking make these virtual assistants all-important. Contextual answers from chatbots by connecting the dots help enhance customer satisfaction and thus increase customer spending.

Personalized shopping experiences: AI-driven recommendations analyze customers’ browsing and purchasing behaviour followed by other preferences to provide personalized recommendations to the customers. It improves shopping experiences that you must have witnessed at Walmart and Amazon and suggests products and other content based on user’s browsing behaviour and interests.

Inventory management: demand forecast plays a vital role in flawless inventory management in retail business. ML models analyze past sales data and external factors to precisely forecast the demand for products in the inventory, thereby eliminating stockouts and excess inventory nightmare. Best Buy employs AI-driven inventory management that ensures product availability with no shortages at any time.

Sales forecasting: Retailers experience high and low tides in sales at different times of the year. Accurate sales forecasts for specific product categories allow them to maintain inventory levels. AI predictive analytics analyze historical sales records, social signals, and market trends to project variations in sales. Sales forecasting is one of the great benefits of AI in retail, and it ensures continuous success in the niche industry.


Applications of AI in manufacturing industry are:

Predictive maintenance: Equipment failure often leads to unplanned downtime and increases maintenance costs. AI algorithms continuously check the maintenance records and analyze sensor data to schedule maintenance proactively so that equipment effectiveness is improved in the manufacturing industry. Thereby, maintenance cost is reduced, production uptime gets optimized, and operational efficiency is enhanced.

Quality control: Visual inspections from human personnel for image and video footage comparison with standard images get automated using AI solutions. AI-powered inspections identify defects quickly and precisely, minimize waste, control quality, and ensure product reliability.

Supply chain optimization: AI-based manufacturing automates order entry and order management across multiple channels while adapting to market fluctuations. It helps businesses allocate resources efficiently and optimize supply chains.

Real-time monitoring and analysis: Real-time monitoring and analysis of production lines in the manufacturing business enable the identification of unexpected deviations or anomalies that negatively impact production. AI provides real-time insights that help take corrective actions that optimize processes and efficiency.


Applications of AI in healthcare are:

Diagnostic tools and imaging: AI in healthcare has redefined diagnostic capabilities with accurate imaging analysis at speed. AI-powered image recognition systems can extract insights from complex medical imaging such as CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, and others where healthcare professionals make errors. The quick detection of irregularities in images expedites the diagnosis process and provides the right treatment plan.

Personalized medicine: With the advancement of precision medicine, understanding the complex biological data of every individual patient and personalizing treatment plans has become possible. AI expedites drug discovery for customized treatment by integrating genetic profiles with clinical data. Innovative medicine ensures fewer side effects and better outcomes.

Predictive analytics in patient care: AI in healthcare is transforming the traditional medical setup of patient care with disease prevention strategies. AI predictive models estimate the likelihood of health risks with greater accuracy and indicate proactive measures that help reduce worsening consequences. It brings a drastic shift from reactive to preventing patient care.

Robotic surgeries: Modern healthcare is stepping towards AI-powered surgeries to improve surgical accuracy and patient safety. Surgical robots with AI capabilities work with human healthcare pros wherein they analyze medical images in real-time and direct professionals to use surgical instruments with precision and diminish tissue damage. Thereby, laser-sharp accuracy is ensured in surgeries.

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Applications of AI in transportation involve:

Autonomous vehicles: Mercedez Benz and Tesla-like autonomous vehicles are making great strides in the transportation industry. The self-driving and self-learning cars drive and navigate autonomously. With regulatory and technical challenges, the vehicles are continuously evolving.

Traffic management systems: In the transportation business, Intelligent traffic management systems eliminate collision risks and ensure safe travel by reducing congestion and increasing traffic flow. By analyzing data from security cameras and GPS, traffic signal systems optimize signal timings based on the current traffic situation. The USA and Singapore traffic systems use AI solutions to reduce bottlenecks during traffic.

Predictive maintenance for vehicles: AI algorithms intelligently evaluate the various parts of the vehicles from the sensors attached to them. The sensor data helps in knowing the vehicle’s performance, and when variation is found against set standards, the users are prompted for the maintenance required.

Fleet management: a paper-based approach to maintaining a large number of vehicles is tedious and time-consuming, which is automated with an AI-driven transportation solution. It manages the number of fleets, maintenance records, insurance-related information, and others that ensure seamless management.


The applications of AI in marketing are:

Customer segmentation: targeted marketing brings better results. AI-driven data analysis creates various user groups based on their interests, preferences, and buying behaviour. Based on the identification of patterns and similarities, personalized recommendations are sent to a specific customer group, which boosts customer engagement and conversion rate.

Predictive analytics for marketing strategies: AI predictive models forecast the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, ad placement strategies, and others. With analysis of historical marketing campaign data, market trends, and changing customer behaviour, AI apps determine the success rate of marketing strategies.

Content generation and personalization: AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, and others help with marketing content generation when users brief them about brands and products. With ML-powered pattern recognition and NLP technology, personalized content is created that improves trust in the brand.

Sentiment analysis: AI sentiment analysis uses NLP, ML, and AI technology to find customer sentiments for the product or services offered. It analyses customers’ emotions, feelings, and sentiments from the reviews, texts, and other data shared by the customers. Hubspot has implemented sentiment analysis to identify customer sentiments and recommend products accordingly.


Use cases of AI in Agriculture are:

Precision farming: excessive or unplanned distribution of seeds and pesticides leads to resource wastage and reduced crop production. AI enables precision farming by collecting data from sensors deployed in various areas of agricultural land. The data unveils insights about soil and texture and determines which areas need pesticide or irrigation.

Crop health monitoring: This application of AI continuously monitors crop health with data sent through attached sensors or uploaded crop photos. It helps identify the crop diseases and apt treatments that keep weeds at bay.

Automated irrigation systems: Soil health monitoring and analysis with AI application helps understand water capacity. This data, when transferred to the irrigation system, indicates that specific areas of the land automatically get water supply, so soil always requires moisture.

Supply chain management: AI improves the supply of agricultural products by removing errors and abnormalities in the supply chain. Complementing AI with IoT technology ensures products are transferred to the market in intact quality without financial losses.


The use of AI in the entertainment includes:

Personalized content recommendations: AI-driven recommendations are popular in the entertainment industry. For example, Netflix leverages ML technology to provide tailored recommendations to users based on the search for media content, browsing behaviour, and TV shows/movie-watching preferences.

Automated content creation: Content marketing is a king that AI improves with automated content creation. It helps with suggestions for script ideas, summary writing, alternative headlines, and character production for media, which improves content generation.

Real-time streaming analytics: Leveraging ML and big data analytics with AI technology helps the entertainment business, particularly streaming platforms analyze customer behaviour. Comparing this behaviour with historical trends in real time allows streaming platforms to make changes.

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Applications of AI in cybersecurity are:

Threat detection and prevention: AI and ML regularly analyze network traffic and system logs and identify threats accurately. Prompting businesses about cybersecurity threats enables them to be prevented before they make the system vulnerable. Cisco and Honeywell have implemented an AI-driven cybersecurity detection system to keep the data secure.

Incident response automation: Reduction in incident response times enables fixing them right away. Wells Fargo has incorporated AI solutions to initiate preventive actions with automated incident response. The system quickly isolates malicious requests and blocks them before they make the network vulnerable.

User authentication and identity management: Businesses are using AI-driven biometric authentication systems like- voice detection, fingerprint detection, and iris detection. It ensures a high level of security during user authentication as it’s difficult to replicate.

Information Technology

AI benefits IT businesses in the following ways:

Data analytics and business intelligence: The combination of business intelligence and data analytics, when integrated with AI (Subset- NLP), makes report generation automated, and valuable insights are gained from the reports. The improved data accessibility enables informed decision-making faster.

IT support and helpdesk automation: AI chatbots can efficiently handle common user inquiries related to complex technical issues. It enables IT professionals to focus on strategic initiatives and refine IT services.

Software development and testing: The repetitive tasks in software development are automated using AI that improves the coding process. AI-driven testing tools automate test case generation, execution, and reviews that ensure software quality.


The use cases of AI in automotive are:

Enhanced navigation: AI enhances GPS-powered navigation with data integration for traffic, weather, and road conditions that provides optimized routes. Thereby, an AI-driven navigation system enables dynamic route adjustments and the best driving experiences.

Predictive vehicle maintenance: AI turns vehicle maintenance from preventive to predictive maintenance with the capability to inspect vehicle parts continuously, which helps find shortcomings instantly. Such insights reduce vehicle depreciation and improve their efficiency.

Route optimization: It’s one of the significant applications of artificial intelligence, where users will get the best route to reach their location in the least time and reduce fuel consumption. Also, the routes are changed based on real-time weather and traffic conditions.

Vehicle prototyping: CAD rendering and prefabrication efficiency get a notch up with AI-based prototyping of vehicles. With repetitive task automation and design anomaly identification, designers can focus on vehicle prototypes.

Transform Your Business with AI Today!

How does Prismetrics help businesses across different industries?

Prismetrics is an esteemed AI development services provider that has served SMBs and large enterprises with different AI use cases. Our talented team of AI engineers have rich experience in artificial intelligence application development, considering the latest AI trends. Technical analysts and business consultants first understand business-specific needs for AI solutions with necessary research and analysis to conceptualize the best AI application in sync with their target audience in a niche industry. The AI use cases developed by the team have helped businesses gain a competitive advantage and enhance operational efficiency in the dynamic universe.


Significant strides made by AI with continuous innovation are a technological leap for businesses to go the extra mile in the niche industry. AI in different industries solves complex problems like no other. Don’t overlook it! Implement the AI use cases by connecting with one of the top AI development companies that help you grow your business by leaps and bounds. If we missed any critical use cases of AI, feel free to share them with us in the comment box. We would love to hear from you about generative AI use cases.

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